Pearson Education Books List 2025

Discover a vast collection of books published by Pearson Education. Our comprehensive directory features a wide range of medical textbooks, reference materials, and clinical guides for students, professionals, and researchers.

Pearson Education Books List

Thomas' Calculus | Fortheenth Edition | By Pearson

Thomas' Calculus, Fourteenth Edition, introduces students to the intrinsic beauty of calculus and the power of its applications. For more than half a century, this text has been revered for its clear and precise explanations, thoughtfully chosen examples, superior figures and time-tested exercise sets. Features Strong exercise sets feature a great breadth of problems progressing from skills problems to applied and theoretical problems—to encourage students to think about and practice the concepts until they achieve mastery. Complete and precise multivariable coverage enhances the connections of multivariable ideas with their single-variable analogues studied earlier in the book. New to this more...

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Python Programming | A modular approach | First Edition | By Pearson

Python Programming introduces one of the most rapidly evolving and preferred programming language using the concept of modularity. One of the highlights of the text is its in-depth treatment of basic concepts. Advanced topics are discussed with multiple examples of applications from various fields such as database management, web and, mobile application development. Features A chapter on debugging — an essential skill for making the programs work Includes basic sorting and searching techniques— selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, quick sort and linear and binary search Comprehensive treatment of recursion, including problems such as list manipulation, Tower of Hanoi, more...

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