The author of India's Ancient Past, R. S. Sharma, was an eminent historian, who taught at Patna University, University of Toronto and Delhi University as well. He was able to publish 115 books, throughout his life, which were translated into fifteen languages. He was the Head of Departments of History at Delhi and Patna Universities and was also the Chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research. He was considered to be a master of epigraphy, literary texts and archaeological texts, which made his writing interesting and enlightening.
First published in 2005 by Oxford University Press, India's Ancient Past is a comprehensive work that captures the historical strides from neolithic and chalcolithic times to Harappan civilization, Vedic times, rise of Mauryas, Gupta's. Satvahanas right up to the times of Harshavardhana. Rise and fall of empires and reign of kings has been placed in the context of the ancient social milieu, the existing varna system, developments in science and technology, commerce and trade and the cultural legacy that shaped society. The book takes the readers on a journey through time. Like his other books, this book too is .